We have been exploring this theme for 8 years now, through dance, music, even football, and with schoolchildren, choreographers, scientists and musicians. Finally, in 2017 this stream of research culminated in the incredible opportunity to work with Sir Simon Rattle and the London Symphony Orchestra to make Less the Thirteen for the Barbican foyer, an artwork that explores the inherent musicality of Rattle’s gestures, investigating how the conductor’s movement, although silent, conjures up an aural response from the orchestra.

Joining the Dots

Permanent installation

Tralee, 2012

Less Than Thirteen

Barbican, London

Sept 2017 - Jan 2018

In the 1970s, Swedish scientist Gunnar Johansson explored how our eyes connect dots. He attached small lights to people’s joints - elbows, knees, shoulders etc. - and filmed them in the dark, demonstrating the extraordinary ability of the human mind to reconstitute the human form from minimal information.

Joining the Dots

Light installation, German Gymnasium, Lumiere London 2016

Joining the Dots

Hotel de Ville

Paris, Euro 2016

Motion capture session with Sir Simon Rattle for Less Than Thirteen

“These kinetic human constellations spark thoughts about the portrayal of the human form in art, from the paintings of cavemen to pointillism, Lichtenstein’s pop art to le Brocquy’s human presences. What is remarkable is the short period it takes for your brain to make sense of it. The eye sends the message, the brain solves the mystery. A wonderfully simple metaphor for how art works too”
The Sunday Times, June 17, 2012